Women empowerment

The Orange Foundation launched the Digital Homes program in 2015. These are spaces equipped with kits provided by Orange where women are trained in digital and other content by trainers.
Following a call for tenders, Kimso was commissioned to conduct an evaluation of the Digital Houses in 5 countries. Kimso conducted qualitative interviews with stakeholders and administered questionnaires in Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire while conducting a quantitative analysis.
Kimso concluded that the Digital House has a positive effect on self-confidence, social integration, and openness to the world due to the collective format, and that the effects on professional integration, parenting, and budgeting vary according to the training and context.
Tissons la Solidarité is a network of work camps for the recovery of clothing for resale in solidarity boutiques. Within the framework of a partnership with the Chanel Foundation, the women in integration have benefited from training provided by the company's employees and the association has been able to develop a sales qualification.
Kimso conducted an assessment of the partnership between the Chanel Foundation and Tissons la Solidarité by conducting interviews with representatives of stakeholders from five territories and Chanel employees, with the aim of capitalizing on lessons learned for future partnerships.

Isahit is a fast-growing social start-up offering an impact sourcing platform: digital tasks are outsourced on this platform by client companies to young women living in developing countries (Africa, Asia, Latin America).
Thanks to Isahit, these young women acquire professional skills and finance a project in parallel with their activity: pursuing their studies or the creating their entrepreneurial activity.
Kimso has accompanied Isahit in the construction of its different beneficiary questionnaires and produces an annual impact report based on qualitative and quantitative analyses.
Bereavement support

Dialogue & Solidarité carried out by OCIRP is a pioneering initiative to support people who have lost their spouse. The program offers moral support to widowed persons by proposing a listening ear and specific support through 3 activities:
- A national helpline number
- Individual follow-up by experienced professionals and volunteers
- Group discussion groups led by professionals
Dialogue & Solidarité and OCIRP have called upon Kimso to assess their impact on the people they support, to feed their strategic reflection and to consider development paths for the future.
MHOA (Malakoff Humanis Ocirp Allocataires) is a personalized 10-month remote social support program for beneficiaries between the ages of 62 and 75 who have recently been widowed, run by Malakoff Humanis, assisted by IMA and OCIRP. The aim is to offer the most effective daily living aids possible, considering the phases of bereavement and above all adapting to the needs of each person accompanied.
MHOA called upon Kimso to assess the impact of the system on the persons accompanied, to nourish the strategic reflection and to work on the ways of improvement.

Arts & Culture

The Djarama Association is a cultural association which contributes to the construction of a model of life that is more respectful of individuals and the environment, using art, culture and education as its main vector.
Kimso accompanies Djarama in the structuring of its approach of monitoring and evaluation of its progress around the Yakaar project, through an expert look at its indicators and its evaluation frame of reference and the realization of an external evaluation.
Aging & Dependency


The Apprentis d'Auteuil's Educational and School Boarding Schools offer a living environment and educational care to children in great difficulty, with the aim of fighting against school dropout.
Kimso conducted a study of the impact of the Meudon boarding schools on the young people in care and their families, through interviews and the collection of follow-up data, in order to identify the levers that help the young people to stay in school, to blossom and to ease family ties, as well as the challenges encountered.
Le Choix de l'Ecole adresses young teachers in professional reconversion who decide to work for two years in REP/REP+ schools. They benefit from trainings given by Le Choix de l'Ecole and from collective workshops with other accompanied teachers.
Kimso helped Le Choix de l'Ecole in defining its theory of change on its main stakeholders. A set of questionnaires has been developed for the trained teachers, to measure the outcomes in the short, medium and long term.
Astrée is a non-profit organization whose mission since 1987 has been to recreate social links through individualized support. Astrée asked Kimso to evaluate the pioneering "Attentifs aux autres" program, which aims to train middle school students to intervene with their peers being isolated or victims of bullying.
Through field visits and interviews, Kimso conducted an analysis and recommendations to model the program to gain in efficiency, work on a better relay with the teachers and widen the recruitment of volunteer animators.

Equal opportunities

Unis-Cité has deployed the "Booster" program specifically for dropouts, which allows young people to engage in civic service while living a collective experience of promotion and working on their future project.
For three years now, the association has been using the Outcomes Star monitoring tool after an experimental phase conducted with Kimso, which allows each young person to position himself at the beginning and end of the program on five dimensions: Commitment, Hopes and dreams, Project, Communication, Well-being, and Risky behaviors.

Article 1 supports young people from modest backgrounds in their career paths through workshops in high school and post-bac and sponsorship of company employees aimed at raising the ambition of these young people and promoting their academic success and professional integration.
Kimso has been working with Passeport Avenir since 2015 on the evaluation of various programs: Passeport Ingénieur on raising awareness of the engineering profession among high school students (in partnership with the ANRU); Etincelle on the discovery of innovation; Schools Challenge, a competition for innovative projects aimed at high school students in Seine St-Denis with employees of JP Morgan.
Kimso is currently the third-party evaluator of a Social Impact Bond (SIB) concluded between Article 1, the Ministry of Agriculture and several private investors. This SIB aims to promote the academic success and the pursuit of higher education of high school and BTS students in agricultural fields through the implementation of interventions in class and mentoring.
As a third-party evaluator, Kimso measures and certifies the SIB indicators which, if achieved, trigger the reimbursement of private investors by the public authorities. In addition, a global evaluation of the experimentation is conducted through the analysis of questionnaires for students and interviews with the various stakeholders.
L'Envol is an association created by the Banque Postale to support high school students with scholarships, from general and professional tracks, from all over France, through sponsorship of employees of the group and multiple actions acting on 6 dimensions like relationship to studies, to future, to others, etc.
Kimso helped Envol to define their outcome categories through a consultation process with the stakeholders of the program and in implementing a tool to follow up the young people's progress (Flight Plan).
Nos Quartiers ont du Talent (NQT) supports, through workshops and mentoring, young people from the neighborhoods in their search for employment by working on their project, providing them with a professional network and transmitting them the skills to succeed.
Kimso has carried out an analysis of the quality of the association's monitoring data and has conducted a SROI study aimed at understanding, measuring and economically valuing the association's impact on its main stakeholders.

La Cravate Solidaire acts on the self-esteem and self-presentation of job seekers, through "Coup de Pouce" workshops during which they benefit from image coaching, choose clothes for their future interviews and do a simulation of interviews with managers and HR of companies.
Kimso is the evaluator of the Social Impact Bondconcluded with the Ministry of Labor (DGEFP) and Bercy on the launch of the Mobile Solidarity Tie, aiming at extending the Coup de Pouce workshops in Seine-Saint-Denis and Val d'Oise by equipping a truck and setting up new local partnerships with prescribers and companies.
Wimoov offers territorial platforms for access and advice on mobility for people in difficulty, particularly job seekers, for whom mobility is an obstacle in their path.
Kimso is the evaluator of the Social Impact Bond on the launch of a digital platform aiming to diversify the methods of accompaniment according to the specific needs of each person and to increase the number of people accompanied.
The Solidarity AccorHotels Endowment Fund supports associations in favor of training and professional integration, located around the world near Group hotels. In addition to the financial support they receive, these associations are directly linked to one or more Group employees to create synergies with the hotels.
For the 10th anniversary of the Fund, the Solidarity AccorHotels team wanted to assess the partnerships established and their impact on the various stakeholders. Kimso conducted a qualitative study with internal and external interlocutors linked to 5 flagship projects of the Fund, then a quantitative survey with the managers of associations and AccorHotels volunteers.
This allowed us to highlight a typology of the projects supported, to understand the added value of Solidarity AccorHotels' support and to highlight the outcomes for associations, hotels, employees and final beneficiaries of the projects.

Employee engagement

Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation

Entreprendre&+ is a network of philanthropic entrepreneurs who finance and mentor social entrepreneurs over several years, with a personalized follow-up according to the needs of the impact project holders.
On the occasion of Entreprendre &+'s 10th anniversary in 2021, Kimso conducted a study on the impact of the coaching on the social entrepreneurs and their projects (SINGA, Vendredi, Ticket for Change, Solinum...). The study also measured the effects of engagement for philanthropic entrepreneurs.
For this study, qualitative interviews were conducted with both stakeholders - social entrepreneurs and philanthropists - in order to build Entreprendre&+'s theory of change and to perform a strategic diagnosis of the model.
Impact finance



Agir et Vivre l'Autisme was created in 2004 by parents of autistic children to improve knowledge of pervasive developmental disorders and their management. The Bettencourt Schueller Foundation has supported the association since 2008 in different phases of its development.
They ask to evaluate their partnership to understand the results obtained thanks to the Foundation's support and to benefit from an external viewpoint with a view to renewing the partnership.
Through an analysis of documents on the partnership and the association, field visits to the schools in Chambourcy and Marseille and 20 qualitative interviews with a panel of actors), Kimso produced an analysis and recommendations on the four strategic areas of AVA's work in order to succeed in its development.
Être Handicap has launched, in partnership with a provident society on the actors of the culture, a support to the return to employment of people with health problems.
Kimso carried out a qualitative study to evaluate the experimentation in progress and to prove the concept in a triple perspective of valorization, optimization and duplication on other profiles of beneficiaries.
CoActis asked Kimso to assess the impact of this initiative, and Kimso conducted 18 interviews with caregivers and health professionals and collected 117 responses to an online questionnaire from users of the tool for a total of 622 people accompanied.
The results of Kimso's expertise show that the tool is used with people with mental disabilities or autism to prepare medical consultations and that the feedback is very positive on a complete, clear and well-designed tool.
The impact value chain shows that the Santé BD cards facilitate the acceptance of care by accompanied people and that the use of the cards facilitates the accompanying persons’ work and saves time for practitioners.

The device "My word must count" is carried by the Federation Trisomie 21 France which works with people with Down's syndrome or intellectual disabilities.
It is a training course on speaking for intellectually disabled people to give them the means to express themselves in public in a clear way. Trisomie 21 France has defined a method and a toolbox with 13 expert disabled people, called self-representatives. These people are called to become themselves trainers after a dedicated training. In pairs with a facilitator, they will train their peers on how to speak.
In a logic of spin-off, Trisomie 21 France wished to be equipped to launch an impact evaluation process for an experimentation on which financing is still sought. Kimso was thus solicited to propose a personalized training.
In order to raise awareness and train regional managers in social impact assessment, APF France Handicap organized a day of training. Theoretical and practical sequences structured this remote training day, based on two projects of the association.

Educational innovation


Act'ice is a support program for project leaders in the penal and prison sector.
This 9-month free program, implemented by Association Possible and Ronalpia incubator, aims to professionalize project leaders and support collaboration and innovation for the reintegration of convicted persons.
Through a training and the use of the Impact Tools platform, Kimso follow 6 project leaders in the co-construction of the first common repository of indicators for actors working for the non-revictimization and reintegration of people under justice.
The objective is to make impact evaluation accessible to the structures of integration of people under justice, to create indicators which are adapted to their reality in the field, and to value and perpetuate these initiatives and their impact on integration and the prevention of recidivism.
The Insert'Up program proposed by Wake up Café ensures continuity between the support in detention and upon release.
In detention, the beneficiaries participate in the intensive 3-week program Re, which allows them to work on speaking out, building a professional project, interacting in a group...
Kimso helps Wake up Café in the construction and the reliability of its key indicators and in the collection of its quantitative data through a custom-made intersubjective tool, to follow the evolution of the beneficiaries. The impact evaluation is also based on a qualitative analysis (observations and qualitative interviews) with the various stakeholders.
Social Link

Le Rocher offers volunteers to come to the Cities to live with their inhabitants, to go and meet them and carry out actions according to the needs and wishes identified (e.g.: school support, cultural outings, café philo, etc.).
During a first mission in 2016, Kimso accompanied Le Rocher in the clarification of its theory of change through focus groups, interviews and observations, in the choice of its monitoring indicators and in the conduct of a survey by questionnaire among the inhabitants. A second impact evaluation took place in 2020 concerning the association's action during the period of the first containment.
A quantitative study was carried out among the inhabitants of the neighborhoods and the teams - volunteers and employees - of Le Rocher to qualify the needs of the inhabitants during the Covid crisis and to objectify the oucomes of the adaptation of Le Rocher's action during the containment.
The Mediation and Multi Services Information Points work on the accessibility of the inhabitants to the services necessary to the everyday life, by actions of information, advice, orientation and accompaniment, while creating jobs and professionalization courses for their employees.
Kimso has led a collective approach, with the various PIMMS partner companies, on the evaluation of the social and economic utility of the system. Evaluation tools have been elaborated, tested and then disseminated in the network.

Under the aegis of the Caritas Foundation since 2012, Les Avions du Bonheur Foundation's social purpose is to enable people in precarious situations, exclusion or isolation to go on vacation. The Foundation finances and organizes one-week stays in hotel-clubs in Djerba, for beneficiaries followed by associations that have become partners (Les Petits Frères des Pauvres, Secours Catholique, Emmaüs, social groceries...).
Kimso conducted individual and collective interviews with several stakeholders involved to assess the outcomes on the beneficiaries in terms of well-being, opening up, social links, self-esteem and empowerment.


Label Emmaus is Emmaus' online solidarity marketplace. Created in the form of a cooperative, it enables responsible purchases of second-hand objects, while offering new career paths to Emmaus companions interested in digital technology.
Kimso was asked to carry out an impact study of Label Emmaus during its experimental phase and to build sustainable monitoring tools for the platform.
Simplon's mission is to make digital technology a real lever for inclusion and to reveal talent among people who are not well represented in the sector.
The #Femmes program consists of 3 projects: SAS (short training courses exclusively for women), CORP (workshop "Dégenrons la tech": raising awareness of gender inequalities in companies) and KIDS (workshops for children to learn to code and raise awareness of inequalities).
Kimso's support allowed to define the program's theory of change and to work on an evaluation framework and an action plan. A qualitative evaluation as well as the analysis of the existing questionnaires were carried out. The approach highlighted the outcomes on stakeholders and succeeded to identify areas for improvement of the program.

The "digital inclusion" program, carried by the Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales (CNAF) and deployed throughout the country thanks to its departmental network of CAFs aims to structure all the actions to fight against the digital divide carried out locally.
Kimso has worked on the drafting of a social impact assessment guide to equip the CAFs so that they can independently apprehend the outcomes of the initiatives carried out on their beneficiaries and allow the CNAF to have more visibility on the public reached and the typology of the actions carried out.

Energy precariousness

Financial precariousness

Child protection

e-Enfance educates children and young people about good practices and responsible use of the Internet through workshops in elementary and middle schools. In order to protect young people in the event of an obvious or perceived problem, the association has also set up a free national number (net-écoute).
e-Enfance has experimented with a new system in 2 elementary schools in Villepinte (93) for 3 years. This new approach to awareness-raising workshops aims to encourage interaction with pupils and is characterized by: a playful pedagogy built around the Net Superheroes and the implementation of 3 workshops / year in the form of thematic modules for each class followed from CE2 to CM2.
Based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis, the study validated the relevance of e-Enfance's action in relation to young people's Internet use. It also highlighted and measured the outcomes of the e-Enfance workshops on young people and more specifically on certain types of public.
The Relais Familial is an experiment carried out by the Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil to prevent children from being placed in care, mainly due to material difficulties (poor housing in particular).
The families who are taken in benefit from temporary autonomous housing and multidimensional support: on educational issues, socio-professional integration, home management, with therapeutic support if necessary.
Kimso is the third-party evaluator of the two Social Impact Bonds (SIB) which respectively finance the Relais Familial de Gironde in Bordeaux and the Relais Familial de Loire-Atlantique in Nantes. These SIBs were concluded between the Apprentis d'Auteuil Foundation, the Gironde and Loire-Atlantique Departmental Councils and several private investors.
As a third-party evaluator, Kimso measures and certifies the SIB indicators which, if the objectives are reached, trigger the reimbursement of the private investors by the Departmental Council. In addition to this certification, Kimso carries out a more global evaluation of the experimentation through qualitative interviews with the different stakeholders of the Relais Familial.

Seniors & Intergenerational

Awareness on the issue of refugees

Awareness on environmental issues


Women empowerment

The Orange Foundation launched the Digital Homes program in 2015. These are spaces equipped with kits provided by Orange where women are trained in digital and other content by trainers.
Following a call for tenders, Kimso was commissioned to conduct an evaluation of the Digital Houses in 5 countries. Kimso conducted qualitative interviews with stakeholders and administered questionnaires in Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire while conducting a quantitative analysis.
Kimso concluded that the Digital House has a positive effect on self-confidence, social integration, and openness to the world due to the collective format, and that the effects on professional integration, parenting, and budgeting vary according to the training and context.

Tissons la Solidarité is a network of work camps for the recovery of clothing for resale in solidarity boutiques. Within the framework of a partnership with the Chanel Foundation, the women in integration have benefited from training provided by the company's employees and the association has been able to develop a sales qualification.
Kimso conducted an assessment of the partnership between the Chanel Foundation and Tissons la Solidarité by conducting interviews with representatives of stakeholders from five territories and Chanel employees, with the aim of capitalizing on lessons learned for future partnerships.

Isahit is a fast-growing social start-up offering an impact sourcing platform: digital tasks are outsourced on this platform by client companies to young women living in developing countries (Africa, Asia, Latin America).
Thanks to Isahit, these young women acquire professional skills and finance a project in parallel with their activity: pursuing their studies or the creating their entrepreneurial activity.
Kimso has accompanied Isahit in the construction of its different beneficiary questionnaires and produces an annual impact report based on qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Bereavement support

Dialogue & Solidarité carried out by OCIRP is a pioneering initiative to support people who have lost their spouse. The program offers moral support to widowed persons by proposing a listening ear and specific support through 3 activities:
- A national helpline number
- Individual follow-up by experienced professionals and volunteers
- Group discussion groups led by professionals
Dialogue & Solidarité and OCIRP have called upon Kimso to assess their impact on the people they support, to feed their strategic reflection and to consider development paths for the future.

MHOA (Malakoff Humanis Ocirp Allocataires) is a personalized 10-month remote social support program for beneficiaries between the ages of 62 and 75 who have recently been widowed, run by Malakoff Humanis, assisted by IMA and OCIRP. The aim is to offer the most effective daily living aids possible, considering the phases of bereavement and above all adapting to the needs of each person accompanied.
MHOA called upon Kimso to assess the impact of the system on the persons accompanied, to nourish the strategic reflection and to work on the ways of improvement.

Arts & Culture

The Djarama Association is a cultural association which contributes to the construction of a model of life that is more respectful of individuals and the environment, using art, culture and education as its main vector.
Kimso accompanies Djarama in the structuring of its approach of monitoring and evaluation of its progress around the Yakaar project, through an expert look at its indicators and its evaluation frame of reference and the realization of an external evaluation.
Aging & Dependency


The Apprentis d'Auteuil's Educational and School Boarding Schools offer a living environment and educational care to children in great difficulty, with the aim of fighting against school dropout.
Kimso conducted a study of the impact of the Meudon boarding schools on the young people in care and their families, through interviews and the collection of follow-up data, in order to identify the levers that help the young people to stay in school, to blossom and to ease family ties, as well as the challenges encountered.

Le Choix de l'Ecole adresses young teachers in professional reconversion who decide to work for two years in REP/REP+ schools. They benefit from trainings given by Le Choix de l'Ecole and from collective workshops with other accompanied teachers.
Kimso helped Le Choix de l'Ecole in defining its theory of change on its main stakeholders. A set of questionnaires has been developed for the trained teachers, to measure the outcomes in the short, medium and long term.

Astrée is a non-profit organization whose mission since 1987 has been to recreate social links through individualized support. Astrée asked Kimso to evaluate the pioneering "Attentifs aux autres" program, which aims to train middle school students to intervene with their peers being isolated or victims of bullying.
Through field visits and interviews, Kimso conducted an analysis and recommendations to model the program to gain in efficiency, work on a better relay with the teachers and widen the recruitment of volunteer animators.

Equal opportunities

Unis-Cité has deployed the "Booster" program specifically for dropouts, which allows young people to engage in civic service while living a collective experience of promotion and working on their future project.
For three years now, the association has been using the Outcomes Star monitoring tool after an experimental phase conducted with Kimso, which allows each young person to position himself at the beginning and end of the program on five dimensions: Commitment, Hopes and dreams, Project, Communication, Well-being, and Risky behaviors.

Article 1 supports young people from modest backgrounds in their career paths through workshops in high school and post-bac and sponsorship of company employees aimed at raising the ambition of these young people and promoting their academic success and professional integration.
Kimso has been working with Passeport Avenir since 2015 on the evaluation of various programs: Passeport Ingénieur on raising awareness of the engineering profession among high school students (in partnership with the ANRU); Etincelle on the discovery of innovation; Schools Challenge, a competition for innovative projects aimed at high school students in Seine St-Denis with employees of JP Morgan.
Kimso is currently the third-party evaluator of a Social Impact Bond (SIB) concluded between Article 1, the Ministry of Agriculture and several private investors. This SIB aims to promote the academic success and the pursuit of higher education of high school and BTS students in agricultural fields through the implementation of interventions in class and mentoring.
As a third-party evaluator, Kimso measures and certifies the SIB indicators which, if achieved, trigger the reimbursement of private investors by the public authorities. In addition, a global evaluation of the experimentation is conducted through the analysis of questionnaires for students and interviews with the various stakeholders.

L'Envol is an association created by the Banque Postale to support high school students with scholarships, from general and professional tracks, from all over France, through sponsorship of employees of the group and multiple actions acting on 6 dimensions like relationship to studies, to future, to others, etc.
Kimso helped Envol to define their outcome categories through a consultation process with the stakeholders of the program and in implementing a tool to follow up the young people's progress (Flight Plan).

Nos Quartiers ont du Talent (NQT) supports, through workshops and mentoring, young people from the neighborhoods in their search for employment by working on their project, providing them with a professional network and transmitting them the skills to succeed.
Kimso has carried out an analysis of the quality of the association's monitoring data and has conducted a SROI study aimed at understanding, measuring and economically valuing the association's impact on its main stakeholders.

La Cravate Solidaire acts on the self-esteem and self-presentation of job seekers, through "Coup de Pouce" workshops during which they benefit from image coaching, choose clothes for their future interviews and do a simulation of interviews with managers and HR of companies.
Kimso is the evaluator of the Social Impact Bondconcluded with the Ministry of Labor (DGEFP) and Bercy on the launch of the Mobile Solidarity Tie, aiming at extending the Coup de Pouce workshops in Seine-Saint-Denis and Val d'Oise by equipping a truck and setting up new local partnerships with prescribers and companies.

Wimoov offers territorial platforms for access and advice on mobility for people in difficulty, particularly job seekers, for whom mobility is an obstacle in their path.
Kimso is the evaluator of the Social Impact Bond on the launch of a digital platform aiming to diversify the methods of accompaniment according to the specific needs of each person and to increase the number of people accompanied.

The Solidarity AccorHotels Endowment Fund supports associations in favor of training and professional integration, located around the world near Group hotels. In addition to the financial support they receive, these associations are directly linked to one or more Group employees to create synergies with the hotels.
For the 10th anniversary of the Fund, the Solidarity AccorHotels team wanted to assess the partnerships established and their impact on the various stakeholders. Kimso conducted a qualitative study with internal and external interlocutors linked to 5 flagship projects of the Fund, then a quantitative survey with the managers of associations and AccorHotels volunteers.
This allowed us to highlight a typology of the projects supported, to understand the added value of Solidarity AccorHotels' support and to highlight the outcomes for associations, hotels, employees and final beneficiaries of the projects.

Employee engagement

Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation

Entreprendre&+ is a network of philanthropic entrepreneurs who finance and mentor social entrepreneurs over several years, with a personalized follow-up according to the needs of the impact project holders.
On the occasion of Entreprendre &+'s 10th anniversary in 2021, Kimso conducted a study on the impact of the coaching on the social entrepreneurs and their projects (SINGA, Vendredi, Ticket for Change, Solinum...). The study also measured the effects of engagement for philanthropic entrepreneurs.
For this study, qualitative interviews were conducted with both stakeholders - social entrepreneurs and philanthropists - in order to build Entreprendre&+'s theory of change and to perform a strategic diagnosis of the model.
Impact finance


Construction and implementation of a monitoring tool based on the capabilities approach to evaluate people situation on different dimensions.

Agir et Vivre l'Autisme was created in 2004 by parents of autistic children to improve knowledge of pervasive developmental disorders and their management. The Bettencourt Schueller Foundation has supported the association since 2008 in different phases of its development.
They ask to evaluate their partnership to understand the results obtained thanks to the Foundation's support and to benefit from an external viewpoint with a view to renewing the partnership.
Through an analysis of documents on the partnership and the association, field visits to the schools in Chambourcy and Marseille and 20 qualitative interviews with a panel of actors), Kimso produced an analysis and recommendations on the four strategic areas of AVA's work in order to succeed in its development.

Être Handicap has launched, in partnership with a provident society on the actors of the culture, a support to the return to employment of people with health problems.
Kimso carried out a qualitative study to evaluate the experimentation in progress and to prove the concept in a triple perspective of valorization, optimization and duplication on other profiles of beneficiaries.

CoActis asked Kimso to assess the impact of this initiative, and Kimso conducted 18 interviews with caregivers and health professionals and collected 117 responses to an online questionnaire from users of the tool for a total of 622 people accompanied.
The results of Kimso's expertise show that the tool is used with people with mental disabilities or autism to prepare medical consultations and that the feedback is very positive on a complete, clear and well-designed tool.
The impact value chain shows that the Santé BD cards facilitate the acceptance of care by accompanied people and that the use of the cards facilitates the accompanying persons’ work and saves time for practitioners.

The device "My word must count" is carried by the Federation Trisomie 21 France which works with people with Down's syndrome or intellectual disabilities.
It is a training course on speaking for intellectually disabled people to give them the means to express themselves in public in a clear way. Trisomie 21 France has defined a method and a toolbox with 13 expert disabled people, called self-representatives. These people are called to become themselves trainers after a dedicated training. In pairs with a facilitator, they will train their peers on how to speak.
In a logic of spin-off, Trisomie 21 France wished to be equipped to launch an impact evaluation process for an experimentation on which financing is still sought. Kimso was thus solicited to propose a personalized training.

In order to raise awareness and train regional managers in social impact assessment, APF France Handicap organized a day of training. Theoretical and practical sequences structured this remote training day, based on two projects of the association.

Educational innovation


Act'ice is a support program for project leaders in the penal and prison sector.
This 9-month free program, implemented by Association Possible and Ronalpia incubator, aims to professionalize project leaders and support collaboration and innovation for the reintegration of convicted persons.
Through a training and the use of the Impact Tools platform, Kimso follow 6 project leaders in the co-construction of the first common repository of indicators for actors working for the non-revictimization and reintegration of people under justice.
The objective is to make impact evaluation accessible to the structures of integration of people under justice, to create indicators which are adapted to their reality in the field, and to value and perpetuate these initiatives and their impact on integration and the prevention of recidivism.

The Insert'Up program proposed by Wake up Café ensures continuity between the support in detention and upon release.
In detention, the beneficiaries participate in the intensive 3-week program Re, which allows them to work on speaking out, building a professional project, interacting in a group...
Kimso helps Wake up Café in the construction and the reliability of its key indicators and in the collection of its quantitative data through a custom-made intersubjective tool, to follow the evolution of the beneficiaries. The impact evaluation is also based on a qualitative analysis (observations and qualitative interviews) with the various stakeholders.
Social Link

Le Rocher offers volunteers to come to the Cities to live with their inhabitants, to go and meet them and carry out actions according to the needs and wishes identified (e.g.: school support, cultural outings, café philo, etc.).
During a first mission in 2016, Kimso accompanied Le Rocher in the clarification of its theory of change through focus groups, interviews and observations, in the choice of its monitoring indicators and in the conduct of a survey by questionnaire among the inhabitants. A second impact evaluation took place in 2020 concerning the association's action during the period of the first containment.
A quantitative study was carried out among the inhabitants of the neighborhoods and the teams - volunteers and employees - of Le Rocher to qualify the needs of the inhabitants during the Covid crisis and to objectify the oucomes of the adaptation of Le Rocher's action during the containment.

The Mediation and Multi Services Information Points work on the accessibility of the inhabitants to the services necessary to the everyday life, by actions of information, advice, orientation and accompaniment, while creating jobs and professionalization courses for their employees.
Kimso has led a collective approach, with the various PIMMS partner companies, on the evaluation of the social and economic utility of the system. Evaluation tools have been elaborated, tested and then disseminated in the network.

Under the aegis of the Caritas Foundation since 2012, Les Avions du Bonheur Foundation's social purpose is to enable people in precarious situations, exclusion or isolation to go on vacation. The Foundation finances and organizes one-week stays in hotel-clubs in Djerba, for beneficiaries followed by associations that have become partners (Les Petits Frères des Pauvres, Secours Catholique, Emmaüs, social groceries...).
Kimso conducted individual and collective interviews with several stakeholders involved to assess the outcomes on the beneficiaries in terms of well-being, opening up, social links, self-esteem and empowerment.



Label Emmaus is Emmaus' online solidarity marketplace. Created in the form of a cooperative, it enables responsible purchases of second-hand objects, while offering new career paths to Emmaus companions interested in digital technology.
Kimso was asked to carry out an impact study of Label Emmaus during its experimental phase and to build sustainable monitoring tools for the platform.

Simplon's mission is to make digital technology a real lever for inclusion and to reveal talent among people who are not well represented in the sector.
The #Femmes program consists of 3 projects: SAS (short training courses exclusively for women), CORP (workshop "Dégenrons la tech": raising awareness of gender inequalities in companies) and KIDS (workshops for children to learn to code and raise awareness of inequalities).
Kimso's support allowed to define the program's theory of change and to work on an evaluation framework and an action plan. A qualitative evaluation as well as the analysis of the existing questionnaires were carried out. The approach highlighted the outcomes on stakeholders and succeeded to identify areas for improvement of the program.

The "digital inclusion" program, carried by the Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales (CNAF) and deployed throughout the country thanks to its departmental network of CAFs aims to structure all the actions to fight against the digital divide carried out locally.
Kimso has worked on the drafting of a social impact assessment guide to equip the CAFs so that they can independently apprehend the outcomes of the initiatives carried out on their beneficiaries and allow the CNAF to have more visibility on the public reached and the typology of the actions carried out.

Energy precariousness

Financial precariousness

Child protection

e-Enfance educates children and young people about good practices and responsible use of the Internet through workshops in elementary and middle schools. In order to protect young people in the event of an obvious or perceived problem, the association has also set up a free national number (net-écoute).
e-Enfance has experimented with a new system in 2 elementary schools in Villepinte (93) for 3 years. This new approach to awareness-raising workshops aims to encourage interaction with pupils and is characterized by: a playful pedagogy built around the Net Superheroes and the implementation of 3 workshops / year in the form of thematic modules for each class followed from CE2 to CM2.
Based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis, the study validated the relevance of e-Enfance's action in relation to young people's Internet use. It also highlighted and measured the outcomes of the e-Enfance workshops on young people and more specifically on certain types of public.

The Relais Familial is an experiment carried out by the Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil to prevent children from being placed in care, mainly due to material difficulties (poor housing in particular).
The families who are taken in benefit from temporary autonomous housing and multidimensional support: on educational issues, socio-professional integration, home management, with therapeutic support if necessary.
Kimso is the third-party evaluator of the two Social Impact Bonds (SIB) which respectively finance the Relais Familial de Gironde in Bordeaux and the Relais Familial de Loire-Atlantique in Nantes. These SIBs were concluded between the Apprentis d'Auteuil Foundation, the Gironde and Loire-Atlantique Departmental Councils and several private investors.
As a third-party evaluator, Kimso measures and certifies the SIB indicators which, if the objectives are reached, trigger the reimbursement of the private investors by the Departmental Council. In addition to this certification, Kimso carries out a more global evaluation of the experimentation through qualitative interviews with the different stakeholders of the Relais Familial.

Seniors & Intergenerational

Awareness on the issue of refugees

Awareness on environmental issues
